A Closet Just For Shoes? Oh Yeah, And Much More!
August 6, 2014
One of my favorite blogs is called ThisisGlamorous.com. Need I explain why? A recent post about the Union Square apartment of lawyer-turned-interior designer, Michelle Smith,
Oneof my favorite blogs is called ThisisGlamorous.com. Need I explain why? Arecent post about the Union Square apartment of lawyer-turned-interiordesigner, Michelle Smith, especially caught my eye, particularly when I saw apicture of Michelle putting on a pair of shoes from her footwear-only closet inthe living room. It’s a strange place to store your Manolo Blahniks, but whatthe heck! When you only have 1,500 square feet to work with, you use everyinch.
Ilove the use of neutrals and the collected look of these rooms. The artwork andaccessories seem so personal. Isn’t that a great lamp?
Nottoo much or too little – that’s the key to decorating a mantle. This one isequal parts organic and sophisticated, and totally lovely.
Thebedroom and bathroom are tiny, but the abundance of bright white elements makesthem look larger. The vintage feel of these rooms is very appealing, too.
Everyhome needs a surprise, and in this case it’s the painting of the bull elk abovethis oh-so-feminine, ornate table.
Youwould never know there’s a well-organized shoe collection behind that door.
Noticethe beat-up stool and the light fixtures that look that oversized whisks? Thisis a great mix of past and present in a crisp, clean space.
Photos Courtesy of http://www.thisisglamorous.com/2014/07/interior-design-michelle-smith-new-york/

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