Bean Bag Chairs All Grown Up
December 2, 2014
What would you get if a pillow and a bean bag chair had babies? No, not Beanie Babies - Pod Pillows!
What would you get if a pillow anda bean bag chair had babies? No, not Beanie Babies - Pod Pillows!
Pod Pillowsare a new portable seating option from CR Laine, which took the bean bag chairconcept and morphed it into a bean-filled pillow sturdy enough to sit on, butyou can lay on it too, depending on your mood.
I fellhead-over-heals for them – and landed softly, thank you – at the recent HighPoint Market in North Carolina,where I spent several days trend-spotting and walking through 10 million squarefeet of home furnishings.
Theseversatile, 26-by-26-inch pods can be dressed up or down to blend in anywhere inthe house. They are as portable as ottomans and poufs and they’re perfect forextra seating when you have company. Just gather some pods around a coffeetable for game time or a conversation circle in front of the fireplace. Imaginehow great they would be in your teenager’s bedroom for friends, too – fewerrangy kids all trying to squeeze together on the bed!
Take a peek:

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