Daily Herald Raves About “Dramatic, Edgy” Show House
September 22, 2014
Writer Deborah Donovan visited the Gracious House Designer Showhouse and calls our family room “one of the brightest in the house” in her wide-ranging feature in Sunday’s Daily Herald.
Writer Deborah Donovan visited the Gracious House Designer Show house and calls our family room “one of the brightest in the house” in her wide-ranging feature in Sunday’s Daily Herald. She particularly highlights the unusual wallpaper treatment, the colorful glass heads and the sheepskin-covered bench. “It is impossible to resist touching the long, silky white locks of the Icelandic sheepskin…” she writes.
Read all about our room and several others in the show house here:https://www.dailyherald.com/article/20140921/entlife/140929961/
It’s not too late to see this exciting event in person. Here’s the scoop:
What: Gracious House Designer Show house
Where: 4035 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago
When: Through September 30.
Hours: Daily 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and until 8p.m. on Thursday.
Tickets: $25 online and $35 at the door.
Benefits: Prevent Child Abuse America, preventchildabuse.org
Information: Graciousshowhouse.com or call (773) 206-3539

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