My Golden Rules
June 6, 2014
My children refer to these golden rules as life lessons because they have heard me say them so many times, they can repeat them in their sleep!
My children refer to these golden rules as life lessons because they have heard me say them so many times, they can repeat them in their sleep!
1. Life is not a dress rehearsal. Get it right the first time around. This was actually a favorite of their Grandpa Brunstrum’s!
2. Have a plan and a back-up plan. Your first plan might be flawed, not needed or just not right. Options are a definite must-have.
3. Dig deep within. Go with your gut and your heart. You alone know what is best for you even if you don't want to admit it or do it.
4. Everything is not always black or white. Learn to love the gray.
5. Remember, you too will get old and speak your mind without a filter. Try and age gracefully.
6. Every family is dysfunctional and has their issues. No one and no family is perfect. It just appears that way.
7. Always be kind. You don't need to be friends with everyone, but you do need to be nice. Keep a smile on your face.
8. It is not always about being right or wrong. Really listen to what others have to say, even if you don't agree. Absorb.
9. Success is what YOU make of it. Not what others make of it for you.
10. Mind over matter. It is all in your head. Think positively and most often things will turn out for the better.
11. Don't worry about something that has already occurred. Don't worry about something until it is a reality. Don't worry about something you don't have the power to change. Only worry when necessary.
12. You need a path but you can't always plan for the future as you never know what awaits you around the next bend.
13. Not everything is a competition. Compete with yourself not others.
14. As long as you tried your best, that's all you can ask for.
15. Do what you love, the money will follow.
Now for my 3 rules for college:
1. Graduate on time and in four years.
2. Don't get pregnant or get someone pregnant.
3. Don't call me from jail- expect bail money from someone else.
Image Courtesy of blog.successfulresumes.com.au

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