Paws Off, Pandas! We Love Bamboo Too
July 30, 2014
Pandas think bamboo is delicious, but we would decorate with bamboo furniture, flooring and accessories than turn it into a high-fiber meal!
Pandas think bamboo is delicious, but we would rather decorate with bamboo furniture, flooring and accessories than turn it into a high-fiber meal!
Photo Courtesy of travellers-content.co.uk
As the“green” movement has gained momentum bamboo has become increasingly popular in design, architecture and art. It is lightweight, durable, bendable and ecologically sustainable. You can have the natural beauty and versatility of a hardwood floor or furniture without the hardwood guilt.
Did you know that bamboo is an ancient species of grass, and one of the fastest-growing plants on the globe? It can spurt up four feet in 24 hours!Thank goodness my children didn’t grow that fast. New shoes three times a day!
Bamboo is easy to clean, too, and naturally resistant to moisture, which makes it far less likely to stain or warp from spills or changes in humidity. All of that makes it an ideal material for flooring, furniture, wall coverings, ceilings,cabinetry and accessories, like the bamboo silk area rug we just purchased fora client at Sweet Peas Design. What a deal! The cool graffiti pattern makes this a two-for-one bonus: a pair of eye-catching trends in one piece.
Photo Courtesy of therugcompany.com
We like this dramatic bamboo lighting, too..
Photo Courtesy of ryniaki.com
Bamboo is timeless. Beth, our Senior Designer, selected bamboo dining chairs 30 years ago, has added snazzy new cushions and loves them to this day! They make a wonderful statement and more importantly, have stood the test of time.
Photo Courtesy of Sweet Peas Design

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