Studio Brunstrum

What Defines Luxury?

August 19, 2016

Has the definition of luxury changed? Amanda Gland at asked me and designers Donna Hall and Bill Peace to address that question in her recent blog

Has thedefinition of luxury changed? Amanda Gland at asked me anddesigners Donna Hall and Bill Peace to answer that question in her recent blogexamining the evolution of the word “luxury” in interior design. Donna, Billand I each give our take on how homeowners define luxury, how the definition of luxuryin interior design has changed over the last 10 years and what forces aredriving this shift toward a new definition of luxury. You may be surprised at our responses! Check out the conversation here:, andwhile you’re there you can explore this fabulous two-year-old designer-driven network connectinghomeowners and professionals in design with luxury interiors resources.ThanksAmanda!

Susan Brunstrum
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