Showhouse Shindig
July 24, 2014
Get ready to party! Tickets are now available for the opening night black tie reception Thursday, September 11, for the inaugural Gracious House Designer Showhouse in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood.
Get ready to party! Tickets are now available for the opening night black tie reception Thursday, September 11, for the inaugural Gracious House Designer Showhouse in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood.
For details visit http://www.eventbrite.com/o/6815552225?s=26534071
Join us and be among the first to see the transformation of this charming,three-level brick brownstone. It will be the culmination of months of creative effort by the Sweet Peas Design team and five other Chicago area designers. We hope you’ll love our family room!
There will be cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, and everyone can meet and mingle with architects, designers and other interior design aficionados. Tickets are $100and proceeds benefit Prevent Child Abuse America which works to promote the healthy development of children and prevent abuse and neglect.We’re already thinking about what we’ll wear for this exciting charity event! It promises to be an evening to remember.
If you cannot attend, no problem. The showhouse will be open daily September 12th to 30th from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. On Thursdays it will be open 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tickets are $35. More details on where to buy these tickets to come.....

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