Studio Brunstrum

Crazy Blue Men, Modern Dance

December 17, 2015

From the sublime dancing of Hubbard Street Dance Chicago to the techno-crazy shenanigans of Blue Man Group, my cultural adventures in Chicago have taken from one end of the spectrum to the other, and I’m lovin’ it.

From the sublime dancing of Hubbard Street Dance Chicago to the techno-crazy shenanigans of Blue Man Group, my cultural adventures in Chicago have taken me from one end of the spectrum to the other, and I’m lovin’ it.

Photo Courtesy of Last.FM

What better way to spend a weekend than watching Blue Man Group dress your daughter’s boyfriend in a pair of coveralls, hog-tie him by the ankles, spray paint him in vibrant colors and then hoist him up and push him into a wall like a giant human paint brush? I tried to buy the piece of art he “created” for their first apartment, but it was no-go. Maybe Kelsey and I can talk him into trying that again, at home….or maybe not.

Photo Courtesy of Last.FM

I love this uber-creative group. They performed a hilarious techno piece about cell phones and they do that drum-beating, paint-flying performance that is their signature piece. Tickets are so reasonable too – under $50 gets you in the door. Check it out here:

Hubbard Street Dance Chicago is a different kind of modern. The strength and fluidity of the dancers and the intricate choreography blew me away.

Photo Courtesy of

I’ll never forget one segment of the Winter Series . The dancers entwine and pull apart with very little contact, a little like a yin yang symbol – close but never really combining. It’s stunning.

Photo Courtesy of

Hubbard Street’s theater is worth seeing, too. It’s fresh and modern, just like the dancing, and a nice change of pace from Chicago’s many ornate, vintage theaters.Check out the 2015-16 season here:

And save the aisle seat for me!

Susan Brunstrum
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