Get Ready to Party: Lake Forest Showhouse Gala
March 17, 2015
It’s that time again! We hope you can come celebrate the opening of the 2015 Lake Forest Showhouse & Gardens at the Preview Party Friday, April 24, from 6 to 11 p.m.
It’s that time again!
We hope youcan come celebrate the opening of the 2015 Lake Forest Showhouse &Gardens at the Preview Party Friday, April 24, from 6 to 11 p.m.
You'll beamong the first to tour this gorgeous estate and enjoy an evening ofcocktails, light buffet and live entertainment sponsored by the Infant WelfareSociety of Lake Forest.
Ticket information is available here: http://www.lakeforestshowhouse.com/previewparty.html.
SusanBrunstrum and the Sweet Peas Design team in Libertyville/Chicago www.sweetpeas-inspired.comare among 26 design firms participating in this year’s event, located onthe estate of the late screenwriter, director and producer, John W. Hughes, Jr.(Home Alone, Sixteen Candles)
Photo Courtesy of Lake Forest Showhouse & Gardens
In what maybe a first for the venerable Lake Forest Showhouse, Susan has invited fourChicago fashion designers to partner in her room, which she has dubbed the“Fashion Writer’s Retreat.” She and her team have created an elegant andinspirational setting for a fictional fashion blogger who loves to help launchChicago-area designers.
Susan willcombine her signature LivableLuxe style with fashions from Azeeza Kahn www.azeeza.us and Maria Pinto www.mariapinto.com, handbagdesigner Diego Rocha www.diegorocha.com and bespokeshoe designer James Sommerfeldt www.jsomme.com.
The showhouse will be open to the public April 25 through May 17. Proceeds benefit IWSprograms for needy children. Ticket information is available at http://www.lakeforestshowhouse.com/2015showhouse.html.
We wouldlove to see you there!

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