HEART: The Underlying Framework
April 10, 2020
Susan explores an article with a HEART-felt reminder for small businesses.
How do we inject hope into heartache? The world is upside down, and many people think that other than staying inside – washing our hands and covering our nose and mouth with a mask is all they can do. Wrong! I recently read a Harvard Business Review by Ted Waldron and James Wetherbe that was energy boosting, especially to a small business owner, as it reminded me to connect, stay relevant, preserve our bonds, and build loyalty with those who know us. In other words, serve others. How? By using our HEART.
- Humanize my firm. Be understanding and empathetic of my clients’ lives.
- Educate. Determine how we best interact and discuss changes with others.
- Assume stability. Continue to provide what we are known and loved for.
- Revolutionize my offerings. Look at all the ways we interact with our clients. What can we do differently or better? This is an opportunity for innovation.
- Tackle the future. Solve a new problem. Go above and beyond. Inspire confidence. Highlight what I’ve learned, so our clients continue to be confident, trusting and in need of our expertise and knowledge.
Hopefully, if we continue to use our HEART as an underlying framework, we will preserve our brand, persevere the COVID-19 pandemic and become all the stronger and more respected for it.

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