Meet the Team: Susan
October 8, 2019
Think you know everything about Susan? Think again!
Staff Highlight: Susan | Principal and Founder
As founder of STUDIO BRUNSTRUM, Susan Brunstrum combines her marketing and business acumen with her love of art and creativity. Her master’s degree in advertising from Northwestern University in Evanston, IL was earned while she continuously took classes in art history, drawing and design. Susan eventually parlayed her advertising background into corporate marketing and even led her own marketing/communications firm before discovering her true calling – design. From a one-woman, home-based business, Susan nurtured STUDIO BRUNSTRUM into an award-winning firm with a team that shares her passion for catering to a discerning clientele. She spreads her enthusiasm for design as an active participant in the design community as a founding board member and current member of Design Trust Ltd. Susan is a speaker and an on-air contributor. When not working, you will find Susan spending time with her two adult children or seeking creative inspiration in fashion magazines, art and travel.

Why Interior Design?:
It found me – I went through a personal lifestyle change and needed a corporate one as well. Interior design allows me to use both the left and right side of my brain.
Favorite Part of Your Job?:
The relationships I’ve built over the years – with clients, vendors, service providers, etc. It takes so many people to complete one job and I love the management aspect of bringing everyone together, making sure that every piece and part creating one cohesive home.
Describe Your Personal Interiors Style:
Sophisticated comfort – everything has its place, but nothing is perfect. Most of the color in my home comes through my artwork because I’m with everyone else’s color all day long. My home is a place I come back to relax, rejuvenate, and reset.
Fast Facts:
Enneagram Type: Type 2- The Helper
Favorite Movie: Devil Wears Prada (because my daughter jokes I’m Miranda Preistly).
Best Advice You’ve Been Given: The Pablo Picasso Napkin Story: “Picasso is sitting in a Paris café when a fan approaches the artist and asks that he make a quick sketch on a paper napkin. Picasso acquiesces, draws his dove and promptly hands it back to his admirer along with an ask for a rather large sum of money. The fan is flummoxed. “How can you ask for so much. It took you a minute to draw this.” To which Picasso replies, “No, it took me 40 years.” To paraphrase: Expertise is the culmination of life’s experiences.
Life Mantra: Can’t go over it. Can’t go under it. Can’t go around it. You have to go through it.
Drink of Choice: Daytime – London Fog tea latte. Nighttime – Prosecco, dollop of St. Germain and a twist
Favorite Piece of Furniture in Your Home: I’m going to cheat and say my shower – it’s where I get my best ideas.
Favorite Artist: I actually don’t have one – there’s those that I gravitate to, but I can’t pick a favorite. I’m more fascinated by the stories behind the artwork.
Favorite Book: Love You Forever by Robert Munsch
Ideal “Fake” Sick Day: Wandering aimlessly through a Chicago neighborhood I’m not as familiar with — stop have lunch, shop, and explore.
Last Thing You Googled: Top 10 Things To Do in Chicago – our old family au pair is coming to visit with her daughter this Fall!
Favorite Vacation Spot: Sweden + Denmark (so far)
Favorite Snack: A toss up: Chocolate or cheese and crackers. I have either or both almost every night before bed. Garrett’s popcorn also gets a special mention.
Favorite Quote: The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart. – Hellen Keller
Favorite Holiday: Christmas – I like to give gifts and see the smiles on everyone’s faces if I get it right (because sometimes I don’t).
Favorite Activity in Chicago: The Chicago Architectural Boat Tour by the CAC.

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