Home Assessment Journal
April 27, 2022
It’s hard to believe it’s been over two years since the pandemic irrevocably changed the world. In fact, the very definition of home has changed. Is yours still working for you?
It’s hard to believe it’s been over two years since the pandemic irrevocably changed the world. COVID has forced us to reconsider what our priorities are – what family, friends, community, and our homes mean to us. I know many of my priorities have changed.
In fact, the very definition of home has changed. Most of us spend 90% of our lives indoors and 2/3rds of that time is spent in our own home; few of us consider the impact our home has on our well-being and happiness. Our homes are where we love, laugh, cry, create and find joy as well as where we learn, socialize, work, and connect. No longer defined by just aesthetics, functionality, and the collection of things it contains, home is now defined by the personal growth, behavior and health of the people living there – with a focus on collective experiences.
As a direct outcome of COVID, our responsibility to our clients has broadened significantly. With the desire to express individuality and a reflection of self, we are empowering people to make very personalized decisions. More than ever before, designing for people and their behaviors is now our first consideration. Our intention? Create homes that improve people’s lives; we want you to have more engagement and interaction with your home. Our focus goes beyond creating floor plans, designing furnishings, selecting materials and project managing a home renovation, update, or new construction, all that has been a given since I started the firm almost 20 years ago. We are collaborating even more intimately, digging below the foundation to bring forth “the language” of your home. Think of it as a quality-of-life evaluation, a vested interest and contribution to yourself and your family. I call it your Lifestyle Return on Investment (ROI).
We’ve created our Lifestyle ROI Journal with ten thought-provoking questions to help you
- measure the enjoyment and happiness factor within your home
- consider pandemic born habits that now have lasting consequences as to how you live
- assess the parts of your home you do and don’t love, use, or need
- explore, determine, and shape a place for all the activities that take place within your home
- establish the memories you want to preserve
- build the underlying support you need from your home
While I have never collaborated on your home, it would be a joy and honor to do so!
Studio Brunstrum is welcoming new clients this Spring, so give me a call, send me a text or email if you would like any advice or input.
Download the Home Assessment Journal.

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