Project Photos Released: Heritage Chic
March 16, 2015
Peeking into other people’s homes is so much fun! Take a look at these just-released photos of a whole-house project we completed in the Heritage Area of Libertyville,
Peeking into other people’s homesis so much fun! Take a look at these just-released photos of a whole-houseproject we completed in the Heritage Area of Libertyville, not far from where Iused to live. The client is a single attorney (with two black labs) whoconsulted with me before she bought the house so I could evaluate its potential.
We becamefast friends and co-conspirators with a goal to update the floor plan and furnishingswhile retaining the charm of a vintage residence in an historic neighborhood.Our clientliked the way we blended simple, tailored elements and versatile neutrals withthe twin “F’s”: feminity (think beaded chandeliers) and functionality (thinkdoggy bath!).
Wepreserved the original footprint, many of the architectural details and all ofthe cozy warmth. Thanks to our ingenious space planning, the client goteverything on her wish list, including a much larger kitchen and masterbathroom. Here are some photos, and for more visit our portfolio http://www.sweetpeas-inspired.com/portfolio/heritage-chic.

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